Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dawn of the Digital: The Hunger for New Media Has Spread

The last seminar of the series was a good one. Unfortunately because it was the last one of the year not a lot of people showed up (we had the same problem with ours the week before) but this was more due to student laziness than a lack of promotion, so I gave them a D for promotion of the seminar. I thought the content was focused and relevant, and they also had a particular section focused on how to break into the industry that was very helpful so I gave them an HD for that criterion. They got a D for guest’ relevance, because although they were diverse and had different perspectives, I thought it would have been really helpful to hear a woman’s perspective on the industry. I thought Dan Monheit had a lot of great advice about starting your own business though, something that I couldn’t remember anyone else in any of the other seminars speaking about. I thought his encouragement to start a business young and to keep learning and striving for success even if you hit a few roadblocks was very inspiring. I also really identified with they way he described traditional advertising as being  largely interruptive, to digital advertising which strove to get people to actually opt in to participate instead of disturbing them. I gave the quality of the facilitation a D. Overall it went pretty smoothly, but although I liked the idea the group had had to have the guests sit on a comfy couch instead of hard stools, I think this backfired on them because they guests were so positioned low on the stage that I could not see their faces properly when they were talking from where I was sitting. I thought the #dodigital  twitter feed was well monitored (well it kind of had to be, being that it was a digital-themed seminar) and so I gave them an HD for participation, and finally I gave them an HD for promotion because I saw lots of flyers around campus and really liked the trailer that they had produced for it.

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