Sunday, March 25, 2012

Social Media Research Source #2

"-Citibank says small businesses increasing use of social media and Internet." Global Banking News [GBN] 23 Mar. 2012. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 25 Mar. 2012.

This article touches on the trend for small businesses, who have been traditionally slower to adopt online marketing channels, to utilise social media platforms to build online branding for their business.

A survey conducted by the American Bank showed that 41% of the 749 small businesses surveyed in the US used social media channels to promote their business.

“They are seeing that social media platforms can be an efficient and cost effective means to increase awareness of their business, engage with customers and, ultimately, to drive growth.'”

If we chose to go with a topic focusing on how small business utilise social media marketing, this study would be relevant to statistical growth.

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